90 Day High Frequency

Why I decided to do this - Aug 28, 2021

I have been slacking off lately with Pentesting and CTF's and also been procrastinating with starting Bug Bounties which I think is mainly because I can't prioritize stuff between my academics and this.

So to kind of challenge myself and feel the adrenaline rush again which brought me into the Cybersecurity community and world, I decided to do the High frequency security bug hunting: 120 days, 120 bugs by shubs.io .

As I'm not even a Beginner Bug hunter I decided to do a mix of bug hunting, learning different stuff related to hunting and also some HTB related to Synack.

So my version won't be 120 days, 120 bugs but "High Frequency Security Training: 90 day level-up". In this length I'll not only try to find bugs and increase my experience in Pentesting but also look into academic research for security it either be reading papers, conference presentations or trying to communicate with professors.

I'll be logging my Daily activity/logs on Obsidian locally and update it here as monthly logs. For the References/Links section I didn't put all the rabbit hole articles or other ones but I did link some stuff which might help with the basics of the things mentioned. I had to roll back on time some days because of University load hope that doesn't demotivate me.

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